Saturday, October 30, 2010

Big Poopey!

I didn't like phase 3 at all....Yes, I got to eat whatever the heck I wanted. No, it was not good for me.. I'm almost back to phase 2 now. My drops should be here by Tuesday or Wednesday. Has anyone ever said, "I can't wait" for that? My apologies, ladies, for not blogging these two horrific weeks of phase 3. To say I was very bad would be putting it mildly. I was an absolute pig (insert oinking noises here). I am afraid of my scale, once again. It sits there mocking me when I go potty in the morning.

On the lighter side (I realize this is not all about me), I bought a Ninja Master Prep machine. The only thing it does not do is the dishes. I made some guacamole yesterday that came out as creamy as butter. I'm going to look up the recipe for "Cabbage Soup" from the Cabbage Soup Diet. If I remember correctly, it has all of the allowed vegetables for phase 2.

Good Things That I Recently Experienced:
1. Pell Grant money was deposited into my account! This gave me the money to not only pay off my Dad for a small loan, but (drum roll please) to buy the Ninja, buy a ink cartridge for the printer and buy a new pair of rockin' shoes (the ones to trim and firm up your legs)and finally, pay off an outstanding debt to a credit bureau for a car accident in '06. My driver's license has been suspended since then. Once all of the paperwork goes through the system, then I can pay to get my D.L. reinstated. (Ha! I have the 100 smackeroos in my wallet as I write.)
2. Craig called me when I was out of town for Dr.s' appointments. Yes, that is good; he still calls me. When I returned his call he answered "Hi darlin". Where were you?" (Ain't that sweet? lol)
3. I refinished an unfinished pine drawer system and it came out awesome.
4. I got an A++ on my Power Point for school. "I can tell you put in the hours coordinating your team. You are a leader and one that knows how to motivate people." That was the comment from Prof. Orr this last week.

That's all for now. I think you must have given up on me and I wouldn't blame you if you did. Sometimes "life" calls, and you have to pay attention.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday, Day 3 No Drops

I hate to admit this, but I am weak. I was not granted a license to pig out during this phase, but I did. At least it felt like it. My weight remains the same, but my mind isn't where it should be. I had a snack-pack of tapioca pudding; later being reminded that it was starch. Ugg!!! Why wasn't I thinking? I was only looking for a full-fat treat that I would enjoy. When I bought it, I had the option of buying a huge container of it, but opted for the single servings. Even though it was more expensive, I did know that if I would have bought the large container, I would have finished the whole thing in one evening. I only ate one of them, and managed to move the remaining 5 to the back of the refrigerator.

Yesterday was horrible. Mia's good friend Dianna finally passed away. I didn't know her, but I know that Mia loved her. Please say a prayer for Mia and Dianna's family to know that she is no longer in pain.

Off to do more homework. Then I get to prepare for my trip to Bend coming up next Monday. Unfortunately, La Grande does not have a Pulmonary or Liver specialist, so I have to travel to see one. The upside is that I GET to get out of town if only for 3 days. La Grande can really be smothering. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a hole, surrounded by senior citizens. I think this is where people move when they give up wanting to live. The phrase "Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there" comes to mind.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday, Day one of survival (P3)

I had no problems eating today. I knew that I needed to eat 1500+ calories. I was a bit disappointed with the Ezekial bread though. My sandwich in my dreams fell way short of my expectations. Tomorrow I will attempt french toast using the "E" bread. Instead of using milk, I'm going to use some Greek yogurt and one whole egg. I hear Aunt Jemima calling me now.......After the "E" bread is sopped up, I'll put it in my waffle iron. Yes, it sounds strange, but then again, so am I. I assure you though, it will be fantastic! Think of all of the other weird crap we have eaten.

Time for bed now. It's only 8:15, but I'm plumb tuckered out. I have a busy homework day tomorrow. OMG, I almost forgot that I have a 7:30 class in the morning. Kitty says good-night. Kisses to all and sending good weight-losses vibes to everyone.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday, VLCD day 23

Today is the last day of the VLCD for me for 21 days. I haven't had a loss for 4 days now. Boo. I'm excited, but a little afraid of tomorrow. At this point, I'm not thinking of anything decadent to eat. I guess that's good. Besides that I don't have the money to go to the store. I have plenty of stuff in my freezer anyhow. Now would be a good time to eat up what is there. I hope everyone is well, and being successful with their weight loss.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday, Last day of drops

That was it for the drops for a while. Two days still on VLCD, then I begin P3, right? Neck is much better today. It's 11:00 p.m., and I'm beat. Tomorrow the big push to finish my homework. Just wondering why, if the question is asking for your opinion about something, they say to not write in first person? Whatever. Bre, hope you feel better tomorrow. 'Nite all.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Friday, VLCD 20

I went to the chiropractor this morning. He said my neck and shoulders were so tight he couldn't give me an adjustment today. He used a doo-hickey called a mascerator, then another gadget that felt like magic fingers. Continue with the generic version of Aleeve 3 pills, 3 times a day. Backing up a bit, no weight loss again. I just felt smaller. The T-shirt I slapped on was actually loose around the middle. Yay. I can feel that my neck has loosened up since the Dr. visit. This morning I couldn't move my head from left to right a half inch in either direction. Now it moves about 5 inches and the stabbing pain of movement isn't there. I hope everyone is enjoying their Friday!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday, Day 19 VLCD

No weight loss this morning, however I did try on "the pants". They used to have a 6 inch gaposis from zipping; it is now only 3 inches. So woo hoo! for that. Since I still have a couple of days left of drops, I think I'm going to continue on them until they are completely gone. My maid was lax yesterday, so I woke up with a sink full of dishes. Boo. But I'll blame that on the homework that took up most of my day. Before I go on, I'm going to get a sink full of hot soapy water going so there is no excuse for not getting them done. I wish I had a dishwasher. You don't realize what you are missing unless you were used to having one and now it is gone. Have a great day ladies.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday, Oct 6, VLCD 18

Obviously my apple day yesterday left me confused and in another world. I put for the title, that is was Wednesday. TODAY is Wednesday, you dummy. Wonderful Wednesday. I lost 2.2 lbs. Finally! I'm not sure if it was from the apple day, or the detox bath. Either way, neither one killed me. That's a total of 15.2 lbs. I would not have been able to obtain than loss using traditional dieting methods. That probably would have taken me a good month and a half.

I was considering continuing phase 2 for a few more days, but if I show another loss tomorrow morning, I will be finished with that. Yes! All I can think about is a grilled cheese sandwich with bacon for my first day on phase 3. I did find the Ezekial bread at Safeway. Can anyone guess which fruit I will not be eating today? If you guessed apples, ding, ding; you are correct.

Off to do homework. I hope no one has hurdles to high to jump today. :-)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wednesday, Oct 5, Apple Day

All I can say is thank goodness it's not apple week. I did eat the apples after a disappointing weigh in this morning. Boo. I also took a detox bath just a few minutes ago. Next time, I'm going to boil a pot of water to add to the tub. It only felt very warm, not steaming. Maybe the people upstairs were using the hot water, but I usually hear that when they do, and I didn't.

After all of these apples, I can't wait for boring chicken tomorrow! A nice lady who was working in the produce dept. at Walmart went and looked in the back room and found me a bag of clementines! It does pay to ask. They wern't that expensive either. Less than $4.00 for the bag. I've seen them as high as $7.00+ before.

Dancing with the Stars is about to come on. Wish me well for tomorrow's weight-in! Bre, so very happy that you met your goal.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, VLCD day 16

Mia, you were right, I have lost 13lbs. This is day 6 with no weight loss at all. I even picked up a 4-pack of toilet paper to make sure the scale wasn't broken. It is not. If I don't show a loss tomorrow, it's apple hell for me. I don't dislike them, but 6 with no water??? I do understand the process, so I guess if it works it will have been worth it.

Today I ate as close to protocol as I could. A mid morning orange. Greek yogurt and strawberry smoothie (yum)for lunch, and 83g of George Foreman chicken with one half of a cucumber. No additional spices. Only salt and pepper. For some pazazz, I had a Smooth Move tea. Can you tell I'm desperate for a loss? (I really don't want to try and cram down 6 apples.) Secret: I did go buy a 6-pack of Motts Unsweetened Apple Sauce. Please God, don't make me do this.

Friday, October 1, 2010

It's Friday! VLCD 13

Apparently I have been sabotaging my own diet. Three days, no weight loss. I realized last night that my bottle of HCG drops was almost empty. Light bulb went on and I realized I must have been doing something wrong with the dosing. Confirmed. With the help of Erica and Mia, it was determined that my "drops" were not little drops. Too much of a good thing is not good. With the combination of too much HCG and sometimes not enough protein will not allow for weight loss.

Grocery shopping today. I have to be careful with my purchases. Instead of buying 75% of my food in one day, I'm only going to get what I need for a week. The tomatoes were not looking too happy that I bought two weeks ago.