Monday, November 29, 2010

R2, Day 13

Thanksgiving was great! I did not eat a bunch of crap, just a small bit of everything. Unfortunately, that did not do well for weight loss. In fact, I gained 1.6 lbs. This morning, I was back to the pre-Thanksgiving weight, which was the lowest on HcG. If financing works out, I will continue with the drops right through Christmas and into the new year.

I just have to gripe here. I wanted to take my garbage out this morning. All two of the regular dumpster-ettes were full. The recycle bin was just about empty. In one of the regular bins were 4 cardboard boxes still intact. (I know who you are Mr. Apt D. You forgot to remove the shipping label on all 4 boxes. Someone will be getting a cheery nasty gram today.)

I think I have a herd of mice now. Nice. I found mouse droppings in a tub under the kitchen sink. They were not there last week. Sometimes, the first of the month does not come quick enough. My plan for their demise must be safe for BUBU, and I do not want to catch them using a mouse trap. YUCK!