Friday, September 17, 2010

Loading, day 1

I believe I was as successful as I could possibly be.  I ate until I was uncomfortable, then ate some more.  Surprisingly, it really did not take much.  Having free reign to eat like a cow and to feel like a beached whale (honestly) didn't sit well, but I did it any how. The clock on the cable box tells me it will be time to take the drops in 12 minutes, but I have not ate, drank or smoked for at least 5.  Tomorrow I am advancing my "drop" times by an hour.  Mia and I will be taking them at the same time then.  Woo Hoo! 

Besides buying cat food for my kitty, I will be buying something decadant to eat tomorrow.  Yum, Snickers, Three Muskateers and maybe some M & M's.  I did buy a quart of chocolate milk today to have with my remaining maple bar in the morning.  That sounds like something I would have done as a teen.