Monday, November 29, 2010

R2, Day 13

Thanksgiving was great! I did not eat a bunch of crap, just a small bit of everything. Unfortunately, that did not do well for weight loss. In fact, I gained 1.6 lbs. This morning, I was back to the pre-Thanksgiving weight, which was the lowest on HcG. If financing works out, I will continue with the drops right through Christmas and into the new year.

I just have to gripe here. I wanted to take my garbage out this morning. All two of the regular dumpster-ettes were full. The recycle bin was just about empty. In one of the regular bins were 4 cardboard boxes still intact. (I know who you are Mr. Apt D. You forgot to remove the shipping label on all 4 boxes. Someone will be getting a cheery nasty gram today.)

I think I have a herd of mice now. Nice. I found mouse droppings in a tub under the kitchen sink. They were not there last week. Sometimes, the first of the month does not come quick enough. My plan for their demise must be safe for BUBU, and I do not want to catch them using a mouse trap. YUCK!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

R2 Day 7, Nov 23

First thing I want to say is DO NOT make shrimp goo-balls. You end up with shrimp soup. Perhaps this time I did not process it enough to make the special goo consistency. Yup; that's it. I did not make goo. I only made what I wanted in the first place.

Mia, one of my beautiful daughters; I hope you are well. Vicky; welcome here. Never forget that I love you.

Well, yee haw for me. I got a call back from an invention designer. I can't tell you what it is, but it could be HUGE. NO, they are not asking for money but sounded intrigued by my submission. (Par-tay girls if this works! Cabana boys will be included.) That's all I'm going to say about that.............. Expecting a phone call tomorrow at 7:30 a.m.

Boo hoo; sad news. Craig (the BF) will not be here for Thanksgiving. Erica, I'm sure you can appreciate the slick roads. Craig lives in Springfield and it is no better there. I told him that there was NO meal worth driving 250 miles for just to eat turkey at Grans house. (I do happen to have a freezer full of seafood ready to make "Seafood Lasagna" and Key Lime pie.) Yup, I'm bucking for the most "excellent girlfriend" of the year award. Mia and Vicky need a new "Daddy". Did I just say that???

A word of sage advice from my mom --> "I kept chasing him (my father) until he decided had caught me". I'm taking it slow with Craig (BF). I do not want to make the same mistakes I have in the past.

Well, it is 12:30 a.m. I am exhausted. The sun will rise in the morning, and I will know that I have friends, even though we have never met.

Monday, November 22, 2010

R2 Day 6 Monday 22nd

New hCG low! 170.4. I'm so close to the 60's I can smell it. I was going to say "taste" but fear of tasting anything good altered my post. (You're supposed to laugh here; at least a chuckle.) Yesterday the cleaning fairy tackled the bathroom and parts of the kitchen. Rumor has it, she will be returning today to overhaul the living room. I can't wait! It would be pure pleasure not to have to jump mounds of crap that has accumulated.

Between my brother, BF (yes, I have one), and me, none of us are sure about our plans for Thanksgiving. Could be Thursday OR Friday. Everyone is supposed to check in sometime today.

Thank you Bre and Erica for posting. Mia, I hope you are feeling well. I'm motivated to get stuff done today. In a way it is fun to uncover items I have purchased and forgot about, unless it was frozen food. Ugg! I don't think so though. Everyone have a great day!

Friday, November 19, 2010

R2 Day 3, Friday 19th

Yay! Another loss this morning. I guess I should have tracked it before I started to blog. Well that is done. I lost 1.2 lbs. Total of 14.8 when I finished up round 1. There is one pesky fly cruisin' my head this evening. He will die before the end of the night.

Fun new food to try. I have named it Goo-balls. (This is not for light-weights who get squeamish handling raw chicken; you will have gloppy hands)

For each serving, combine 100 g uncooked chicken breast into a food processor (I have a Ninja; yee haw!)Process until chopped. Unfortunately, I went too far and made chicken goo. Add about 1/2 inch slice of a medium onion, 1 Grisini bread stick and your favorite spices. Process until it is of the consistency you like for making meat-balls. Heat some (?) chicken stock in a saucepan. Roll the chicken glop into 4 large, or 5 medium balls. Plop them into the boiling broth and boil away for at least 5 minutes. I rolled them a few times during the boiling. Remove from the stock and enjoy.

I'm thinking I could do just about the same thing with shrimp. This round I decided to get creative with my food. As soon as I can afford it, I'm buying coconut oil to to cook with.

That's all for tonight. The dishwashing fairy made an impressive dent in the kitchen today. I'm glad she's back!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

R2 Day 2 Thursday 11/18

After 2 false attempt to start round 2 of VLCD, I finally did it. I had my two loading days in which I gained 4.3 lbs. That was amazing!!! I woke up to a 3.3 lb loss. Yay me! Now that I know what not to do, I'm hoping for a larger loss in this round. (17.6 lbs to get to my pre-hellLa Grande weight.) I know it is doable.

I keep watching all of your successes on Facebook, and I am so proud of you all. I've been reluctant to post anything there because many of my Bend friends do not know that I had gained all this weight after I moved.

I woke up this morning to SNOW!!! It's still coming down, but I don't think it's going to last long. What a surprise. I'm anxiously awaiting for the fabulous cleaning fairy to return. Me, on my own, sucks.

Just talked to my mom, and right now, Thanksgiving is on hold. We don't know if my brother and his family will be able to come from Portland or not. I don't mean to sound all Scroogish, but I could care less for this family gathering. I know the meal will contain all of the potatoes and gravy, stuffing and fruit-salad. About the only thing I would be able to eat would be the turkey and maybe the green beans. I haven't told them about HCG. My dad would just roll his eyes and say "here she goes again". I would rather avoid that mental road-block anyhow.

I hope everyone is having a great day!