Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday, Oct 6, VLCD 18

Obviously my apple day yesterday left me confused and in another world. I put for the title, that is was Wednesday. TODAY is Wednesday, you dummy. Wonderful Wednesday. I lost 2.2 lbs. Finally! I'm not sure if it was from the apple day, or the detox bath. Either way, neither one killed me. That's a total of 15.2 lbs. I would not have been able to obtain than loss using traditional dieting methods. That probably would have taken me a good month and a half.

I was considering continuing phase 2 for a few more days, but if I show another loss tomorrow morning, I will be finished with that. Yes! All I can think about is a grilled cheese sandwich with bacon for my first day on phase 3. I did find the Ezekial bread at Safeway. Can anyone guess which fruit I will not be eating today? If you guessed apples, ding, ding; you are correct.

Off to do homework. I hope no one has hurdles to high to jump today. :-)