Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thurs, Day 12 VLCD

Same weight, same time, same bat channel. It actually felt good. For some reason I suspected a slight gain. My digestive issues are normalizing now. I actually considered moving my computer into the bedroom, closer to the bathroom. Lord knows I have all of the wiring to do it, thanks to my handsome son-in-law Aaron. (No Mia, I didn't leave it for Norm) I changed my picture on Facebook. It is of my beast sweetie of a cat, who doesn't know what a holiday is, a weekend, or just the fact that Mom wants to sleep. My day starts when she is ready. She is the queen, and I am the servant.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, Sept. 29. Day 11, VLCD

I started to write yesterday, then realized I put the wrong day #. Went to edit it and it wouldn't (boo), so I deleted the post. I was only going to say that I didn't lose anything, except my marbles. This morning my scale was my friend. It showed a 1.6 lb loss from the unexpected 1.8 lb gain two days ago. I discovered a new seasoning to use. Old Bay Seafood seasoning: celery salt, red and black pepper and paprika. Nothing else listed on the ingredients. Yum. I'm a garlic freak, and I found that my McCormick garlic salt grinder only contains sea salt and garlic. Yay! I have to have my flavor to keep things interesting.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, Sept 27 VLCD Day 9

Oh poo! I'm not going to call it a weight gain,it's simply a refusal of my body to release what it should have. I weighed 175, which is where I was two days ago. I'm not going to let this get to me. I did notice that last night I didn't make a dozen visits to the potty. (only 4). That's strange even if I wasn't using the drops. Today is a new day, and a new week. I still feel better, and have more energy now than I did 10 sluggish days ago.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday: VLCD Day 8

I must have been a very good girl yesterday.  I lost another 2 lbs.  Total 13.2.  I had to chuckle this morning; I tried on the pants with the 6' gap from zipping.  It's down to 5' inches now.  Did you all see Mia's new wedding dress picture?  Isn't she beautiful.  Wishing you all a fantastic eating day. :-)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday, September 25 VLCD day 7

Oh happy day!  1.2 lb loss for a total of 11.2 in 5 days.  Today I think I will tackle my tiny kitchen counter.  My dishes are done from yesterday, but I still have redecorating mess too deal with.  Why do I have two hammers, three screwdrivers and a pair of pliers there?  In my apartment, my kitchen is the crappiest room.  It was not inspiring at all.  When I first moved in the walls were all grease splattered and covered with unidentifiable blobs of yuck everywhere.  (Please don't ask me to cook in there.)  Now, I don't mind at all.  I think once I get the counter cleared of the clutter, I will be much happier.  I'll post pictures when I am done.  It seemed like every time I finished one project, I saw something else I could improve upon.  (It's the Martha Stewart in me, which, btw, her and I share the same birthday:  Aug 3).

Off to the races now.  I've got a final paper to write for class that is due tomorrow.  Title page, Abstract, 5-6 pages of text and a reference page.  I found out earlier this week that I have to complete my Associates degree in Business Administration before I can start on my Masters in Graphic Arts and Web Design.   I'll need many prayers when I have to take Algebra.  Evidently, the Algebra I took at Central Oregon Comm. College is not good enough.  Ugg!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, Day 6 VLCD

Better late than never I suppose.  I did not lose any thing this morning, but I didn't gain either.  I am hopeful for tomorrow; that is the way it has always worked for me.  No loss, no loss, then BOOM!  I tried on some pants today, hoping at least one pair would fit.  Darn me for being talented with the sewing machine!  I had taken them in on my last dieting adventure.  I was aghast at how far they were from fitting; a good 6 inches.  Boo!  That is disgusting to think that my rear-end has expanded that much since I moved here almost a year ago.  I can only imagine what it looks like when I ride my "sky-trike" to the bus stop.

Tomorrow will be a great day.  I am amazed that for 3 days in a row my dishes are done!  I've been tackling small jobs around the house as well.  Thank you Erica, Bre and Mia for believing in me. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, Day 5 VLCD

I don't know who that strange person was that came to my house and did my dishes.  I hope she keeps coming back.  She also cleaned off the mountain of "stuff" on my desk.  Where did that energy come from?? 

I ate scrambled eggs with onions, asparagus and Greek pepperoncini for dinner.  Good thing I checked the serving size on the egg white container.  2 Tablespoons = 1 serving.  I thought it was a quarter cup.  Luckily I had just purchased new coffee measures that were clearly marked 1/8 cup.  Much easier to use them, than to try to pour into a single Tablespoon measure.  I got those at the Dollar Store just last week.

Yay, woke up this morning with a 2 lb loss.  That's 9.4  lbs in 5 days.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tuesday Day 3 VLCD

I was so excited yesterday morning to get on the scale.........Battery DEAD on scale.  I didn't weigh myself yesterday after I had replaced the darn thing.  This morning, I show a weight loss of 7.4 lbs.  Yes!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday: Day 1 VLCD

After my two loading days, I gained 1.8 lbs.  Not as much as I was dreading.  Coffee, no milk so far.  A plan formulating for lunch and dinner.  At least I didn't wait for the last minute to buy foods that I can eat.  I wish though that I would have taken the time to clean up a little better after my feeding frenzy from the last two days. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

Loading, day 1

I believe I was as successful as I could possibly be.  I ate until I was uncomfortable, then ate some more.  Surprisingly, it really did not take much.  Having free reign to eat like a cow and to feel like a beached whale (honestly) didn't sit well, but I did it any how. The clock on the cable box tells me it will be time to take the drops in 12 minutes, but I have not ate, drank or smoked for at least 5.  Tomorrow I am advancing my "drop" times by an hour.  Mia and I will be taking them at the same time then.  Woo Hoo! 

Besides buying cat food for my kitty, I will be buying something decadant to eat tomorrow.  Yum, Snickers, Three Muskateers and maybe some M & M's.  I did buy a quart of chocolate milk today to have with my remaining maple bar in the morning.  That sounds like something I would have done as a teen. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The last day of the old me

My friends.  In a way this is bittersweet moment.  I have established my weight loss goal.  It seemed like the 17th would never come around.  Please bare with me as I go through this learning process.  I know that "loading" is important; it just seems like there is something wrong when you are dealing with a new concept in weight loss.  I told Mia that I was scared.  I am afraid to fail once again.  I do realize that I have a support crew that will be there to pull me through this temporary trauma.  I apologize in advance for being a problem child to all of you.