Friday, September 17, 2010

Loading, day 1

I believe I was as successful as I could possibly be.  I ate until I was uncomfortable, then ate some more.  Surprisingly, it really did not take much.  Having free reign to eat like a cow and to feel like a beached whale (honestly) didn't sit well, but I did it any how. The clock on the cable box tells me it will be time to take the drops in 12 minutes, but I have not ate, drank or smoked for at least 5.  Tomorrow I am advancing my "drop" times by an hour.  Mia and I will be taking them at the same time then.  Woo Hoo! 

Besides buying cat food for my kitty, I will be buying something decadant to eat tomorrow.  Yum, Snickers, Three Muskateers and maybe some M & M's.  I did buy a quart of chocolate milk today to have with my remaining maple bar in the morning.  That sounds like something I would have done as a teen. 


  1. Good luck Tonnie! The 1st week is the worst and it gets to be old habit after that. I am glad you guys will be on the VLCD with me... I'm just 3 weeks ahead of ya : )

  2. Just wait until Monday morning when you get on the scale and see how much weight you dropped just from the first day of VLCD on Sunday, it's an amazing feeling!

  3. Monday's weigh in is going to be exciting! =)
