Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thursday, Day 5 VLCD

I don't know who that strange person was that came to my house and did my dishes.  I hope she keeps coming back.  She also cleaned off the mountain of "stuff" on my desk.  Where did that energy come from?? 

I ate scrambled eggs with onions, asparagus and Greek pepperoncini for dinner.  Good thing I checked the serving size on the egg white container.  2 Tablespoons = 1 serving.  I thought it was a quarter cup.  Luckily I had just purchased new coffee measures that were clearly marked 1/8 cup.  Much easier to use them, than to try to pour into a single Tablespoon measure.  I got those at the Dollar Store just last week.

Yay, woke up this morning with a 2 lb loss.  That's 9.4  lbs in 5 days.


  1. Awesome job Tonnie! Great weight loss!

  2. I love how much energy HCG gives me, although no mystery ladies come over and clean my dishes!
