Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday, Day 6 VLCD

Better late than never I suppose.  I did not lose any thing this morning, but I didn't gain either.  I am hopeful for tomorrow; that is the way it has always worked for me.  No loss, no loss, then BOOM!  I tried on some pants today, hoping at least one pair would fit.  Darn me for being talented with the sewing machine!  I had taken them in on my last dieting adventure.  I was aghast at how far they were from fitting; a good 6 inches.  Boo!  That is disgusting to think that my rear-end has expanded that much since I moved here almost a year ago.  I can only imagine what it looks like when I ride my "sky-trike" to the bus stop.

Tomorrow will be a great day.  I am amazed that for 3 days in a row my dishes are done!  I've been tackling small jobs around the house as well.  Thank you Erica, Bre and Mia for believing in me. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay Mom, you changed your blog title! I love the H.oly C.ow G.irl...lol. Those pants will be fitting before you know it. Love you!
