Monday, November 22, 2010

R2 Day 6 Monday 22nd

New hCG low! 170.4. I'm so close to the 60's I can smell it. I was going to say "taste" but fear of tasting anything good altered my post. (You're supposed to laugh here; at least a chuckle.) Yesterday the cleaning fairy tackled the bathroom and parts of the kitchen. Rumor has it, she will be returning today to overhaul the living room. I can't wait! It would be pure pleasure not to have to jump mounds of crap that has accumulated.

Between my brother, BF (yes, I have one), and me, none of us are sure about our plans for Thanksgiving. Could be Thursday OR Friday. Everyone is supposed to check in sometime today.

Thank you Bre and Erica for posting. Mia, I hope you are feeling well. I'm motivated to get stuff done today. In a way it is fun to uncover items I have purchased and forgot about, unless it was frozen food. Ugg! I don't think so though. Everyone have a great day!


  1. Congrats on the BF! And congrats on the new low! You'll totally be in the 160's tomorrow! Hee Haw!

  2. Ooh, I hope you get in the 160's today!!!
