Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday, VLCD day 23

Today is the last day of the VLCD for me for 21 days. I haven't had a loss for 4 days now. Boo. I'm excited, but a little afraid of tomorrow. At this point, I'm not thinking of anything decadent to eat. I guess that's good. Besides that I don't have the money to go to the store. I have plenty of stuff in my freezer anyhow. Now would be a good time to eat up what is there. I hope everyone is well, and being successful with their weight loss.


  1. Well congratulations for sticking it out for a full 3 week round! You lost over 15 lbs, that's great!! Esp considering .5 lbs a day is average for women. You did great! I hope phase 3 treats you well.♥
