Saturday, October 30, 2010

Big Poopey!

I didn't like phase 3 at all....Yes, I got to eat whatever the heck I wanted. No, it was not good for me.. I'm almost back to phase 2 now. My drops should be here by Tuesday or Wednesday. Has anyone ever said, "I can't wait" for that? My apologies, ladies, for not blogging these two horrific weeks of phase 3. To say I was very bad would be putting it mildly. I was an absolute pig (insert oinking noises here). I am afraid of my scale, once again. It sits there mocking me when I go potty in the morning.

On the lighter side (I realize this is not all about me), I bought a Ninja Master Prep machine. The only thing it does not do is the dishes. I made some guacamole yesterday that came out as creamy as butter. I'm going to look up the recipe for "Cabbage Soup" from the Cabbage Soup Diet. If I remember correctly, it has all of the allowed vegetables for phase 2.

Good Things That I Recently Experienced:
1. Pell Grant money was deposited into my account! This gave me the money to not only pay off my Dad for a small loan, but (drum roll please) to buy the Ninja, buy a ink cartridge for the printer and buy a new pair of rockin' shoes (the ones to trim and firm up your legs)and finally, pay off an outstanding debt to a credit bureau for a car accident in '06. My driver's license has been suspended since then. Once all of the paperwork goes through the system, then I can pay to get my D.L. reinstated. (Ha! I have the 100 smackeroos in my wallet as I write.)
2. Craig called me when I was out of town for Dr.s' appointments. Yes, that is good; he still calls me. When I returned his call he answered "Hi darlin". Where were you?" (Ain't that sweet? lol)
3. I refinished an unfinished pine drawer system and it came out awesome.
4. I got an A++ on my Power Point for school. "I can tell you put in the hours coordinating your team. You are a leader and one that knows how to motivate people." That was the comment from Prof. Orr this last week.

That's all for now. I think you must have given up on me and I wouldn't blame you if you did. Sometimes "life" calls, and you have to pay attention.

1 comment:

  1. Im glad you are getting back on the bandwagon Tonnie! Congrats on getting loans and bills paid and for an awesome grade on your presentation!!!
