Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursday, Day 19 VLCD

No weight loss this morning, however I did try on "the pants". They used to have a 6 inch gaposis from zipping; it is now only 3 inches. So woo hoo! for that. Since I still have a couple of days left of drops, I think I'm going to continue on them until they are completely gone. My maid was lax yesterday, so I woke up with a sink full of dishes. Boo. But I'll blame that on the homework that took up most of my day. Before I go on, I'm going to get a sink full of hot soapy water going so there is no excuse for not getting them done. I wish I had a dishwasher. You don't realize what you are missing unless you were used to having one and now it is gone. Have a great day ladies.


  1. When we were renting an apartment in Washington 2 years ago our dishwasher broke and it took our landlord 3 months to get us a new one. Cooking most things from scratch and dealing with the dishes from cooking and feeding 5 people made me almost go completely insane. Blech!

    Yay for those pants getting closer and closer to fitting. =)

    You're being a trooper, way to stick with the diet!

  2. Yay for the pants. Boo on the scale. I think you may need a new one! Lol. You are wonder woman to keep on the diet with all the stall days. It's really inspiring!

  3. Aw shucks ladies. I've got twice the dieting experience as you guys. I'm used to the stalls, even if they make no sense. I was going to eat an apple tonight, but my neck is so stiff it hurts to swallow. First stop tomorrow is a chiropractor. Only two blocks away. I was going to ride my bike, but to see if traffic is coming I have to move my body, because my head isn't cooperating.
